If you have an accident and become disabled so cannot work, or are diagnosed with a serious critical illness, … how will you survive financially? How will you live? Who will take care of you? Now, it’s self-evident that if your family relies on our income, then you need life insurance. What’s not so obvious is the other types of financial protection that are available, and why you might need them. Have no dependents and think you don’t need insurance? Think again… What’s The Point of Critical Illness Cover? People are living longer. The average lifespan of men and women is steadily increasing as a result of numerous factors - healthier lifestyles, nuturitional factors, and even simple genetics. Also, of course, the incredible advances in medical fields such as diagnostices, pharmaceticals, and surgical techniques amongst many others. Diseases and conditions that two decades were a death sentence are now quite survivable. But staying alive does not necessarily mean recovery or return to