Financial Planning Seminars

I give seminars and workshops on financial planning and investment matters

If you are a department head or HR manager, and you think your team might benefit from an educational and informative session, then please do get in touch.


  • Presentation format is Powerpoint, with handouts (depending on topics)
  • Generally I find a talk around 45mins-1hr fits in best with busy staff schedules (eg a lunch hour)
  • My presentation style is informal, and I am happy to take questions during the talk as well as a Q&A session at the end
  • I try to the make the presentation interactive, accessible and (as far as I can given the subject!) a little entertaining
  • If requested I can also run a workshop-style session where attendees will be guided through their own planning process
    There is no advertising of any kind and no promotion of specific products, brands or investments
  • There is no charge, as I find that usually some of the attendees will like to meet with me later seeking some personalised financial advice
  • My availability - I am based in Singapore, and usually quite flexible on dates/times, as long as I have around 3 weeks’ notice
  • If required, I also offer evening presentations of a nominally more formal setting, though perhaps more entertaining(!)

Sample agenda

A typical presentation agenda might cover some of the following items. I am of course guided by what you would like covered for your specific audience.

- How to work out how much life insurance you really need, and quick overview of different types of protection.
- Basic forms of investing - overview of stocks, bonds, unit trusts/mutual funds, ETFs, REITs, etc.
- How much money do I need to retire? How much do I need to save? - How to calculate your ideal retirement nest egg, and work out how to get there.
- Understand your own 'risk profile'; avoid the 'herd mentality' and other costly but common investor traps.
- A straightforward approach to building a portfolio, that anyone can do.

Testimonials for my seminars


Testimonial from SH, manager at a major multinational (a Fortune 100 company):

“Roy Walker gave a talk on financial planning at a seminar I ran for a group of work colleagues, the feedback from those who attended was very positive. 100% rated the talk content as interesting and useful as Excellent or very good. The worked example used in Roy’s talk really helped to explain the level of savings needed to retire with sufficient funds. 100% of those who attended said the seminar met expectations. Comments from my colleagues included ‘Worked example very useful’, ‘Was eye opening’, and ‘talk exceeded expectations’.”

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